by lrebailey | Aug 30, 2012 | blog
When I tell folks I’m an author, they of course ask me what I write. I tell ’em, romance. With a capital “R.” Then they ask why romance (maybe even with a slight lip curl.) My reply is because in romance story, the good guys win–all the time. It’s...
by lrebailey | Aug 7, 2012 | blog
We’re so bombarded—daily, as a matter of fact—about what to eat and why that it’s sometimes hard to know what’s in our own best interest. In a nutshell, our bodies need three main building blocks to keep and maintain good health: carbohydrate, fat and protein....
by lrebailey | Jul 31, 2012 | blog
It’s been a while since I’ve done a fitness blog. A couple of weeks turned into a couple of months. (Sorry for that.) So, what happened during that time? I released my erotic novella, Boy Next Door; we moved into our totally fabulous house; I re-released my two erotic...
by lrebailey | Jul 16, 2012 | books, Other Books by Lynda Bailey
by lrebailey | Mar 30, 2012 | books, Other Books by Lynda Bailey