What’s in a Name?

Character names can mean a lot to both readers and writers. As a reader, a name might influence how I feel about a particular story. If it’s the name of my first love, I’ll probably have a more positive impression than if it’s my high school nemesis....

Fulfilled Excerpt

Heat licked along Piper Vaughn’s skin. The light breeze fluttered the hem of her sun dress, cooling her even as she burned hotter. It wasn’t just the humid, hot Chicago temperature which coated her body with a fine sheen of sweat. Anticipation spiraled warmth through...


In 1945, Ray Milland won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the movie Lost Weekend. It was about a guy who loses an entire weekend to booze. I can relate because I definitely lost the summer of 2011. I didn’t lose it to alcohol (though heaven knows I did...


Dear All~ As some of you know, but most of you don’t, I’ve been suffering from pretty back sciatic/back/leg pain these past few weeks. Had an MRI done on June 28th and a follow up appointment with an ortho spine guy on June 30th. Diagnosis? Herniated disc...

Ayurveda – What is it and is it right for you?

Webster’s Eleventh Edition Collegiate Dictionary defines “Ayurveda” as a form of holistic alternative medicine. It’s also known as “the science of life.” Please welcome my wonderful massage therapist, Laura Hennings, a practioner of...