Back to Basics-Or how to unconfused the confusion about food choices

We’re so bombarded—daily, as a matter of fact—about what to eat and why that it’s sometimes hard to know what’s in our own best interest. In a nutshell, our bodies need three main building blocks to keep and maintain good health: carbohydrate, fat and protein.

Carbohydrates-Carbs are the gas which make the engine that is our body go. Everything from manufacturing new cells to running a marathon requires the energy carbohydrates provide. The best sources are fresh fruits and veggies as well as whole grains. You also should consider carbs “brain food.” Studies show the brain needs at least 75 grams of carbohydrates each day. Just another reason to forgo any anti-carb diet.

Fats-Fats are crucial for our bodies to be able to absorb nutrients like vitamins A and E, for maintaining healthy hair and skin, for cell function, for padding vital organs and for protecting our bones. The fat component, glycerol, can also be broken down into glucose, another fuel for our “gas tanks.” Of course, we must avoid bad, saturated fats and concentrate instead on good, monounsaturated fats found in nuts, fish, avocado and olive oil.

Proteins-AKA as amino acids, protein is best identified for its muscle building benefits. But protein is also part of organ and tissue cells throughout the body. Proteins keep our immune systems up to snuff and help to manufacture essential hormones and enzymes. Good sources of amine acids include lean cuts of meat, seafood, low-fat dairy products, nuts and legumes.

So how do you know if you’re getting the right balance of carbs, fats and proteins? Generally speaking, your diet should consist of 50 % carbohydrates, 20% proteins, and 30% fats. The percentage pretty much stays constant for either a guy or gal, but your exact amount will depend on your activity level and the total number of calories you consume.

But what about calcium and fiber? Both are needed for good health, right? You betchum. However, neither are considered “building blocks” for the body. If you eat a generous daily portion of fresh fruits/veggies, whole grain and low-fat dairy, you should have an ample supply of both fiber and calcium. But, if you find yourself falling short, over-the-counter dietary supplements are a good alternative to Brussels sprouts and nine-grain bread.

I hope I helped to unconfused some of the confusion about food choices. If not, shout out a question or comment and I’ll do my darnest to answer you. Here’s to good eating and good health!






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