Category: blog
Cover Reveal for Eruption by J. Hughey plus a giveaway!
Today is cover reveal day for J.Hughey’s New Adult romance, Eruption, first in the Yellowblown™ Series. This series follows a college sophomore from her perfect semester through the life-changing disruptions caused when the Yellowstone volcano erupts. J’s also doing a giveaway – details at the bottom… 😉 Blurb… The perfect semester for Violet Perch starts with…
Cover Reveal Contest with Nancy Corrigan
What a great way to end a weekend – with a contest from the wonderfully talented, Nancy Corrigan! Nancy’s gearing up for the release of her newest HAWT book, Hunter Betrayed. It’s a Romantica® Paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave. Is this not a gorgeous cover? Blurb: Tainted from birth, Harley lives a life…
Welcome Leigh Ellwood
Hello, everybody. Leigh Ellwood here, and I’m thrilled to announce I’m part of a new anthology called Sci Spanks. This is a collection of 15 shorts on a theme – naturally science fiction with spanking. My contribution, “Skin,” came to me as I racked my brains to think of a story. A martini or two…
Last FREE read from Shattered Trust
Today is my last FREE chapter I’ll be posting from Shattered Trust – please enjoy! Chapter Five On Wednesday afternoon, Liam pulled the final load of lunchtime dishes from the dishwasher when the creak of the door announced someone had entered the kitchen. “I need you to tap a new keg of Bud Light,”…
Suz deMello is celebrating another release!
Suz deMello is returning today – and boy, oh boy – does she have a killer new story! Take it away, Suz! So who’s Your Favorite Sherlock? Who doesn’t love Sherlock Holmes? Since the publication of the first Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet (1887) the tall, hawk-nosed detective with the caped greatcoat, brilliant…
Chapter Four from Shattered Trust…
It’s just about two weeks before Shattered Trust is released – yikes! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Chapter Four At nine thirty Saturday morning, Kate’s alarm went off. She lugged herself out of bed, stumbled to the dresser to smack off the annoying pop song, then staggered into the bathroom. Her head pounded and…
Welcome Barbara Donlon Bradley!
Today, fellow Red Hot Author Cafer Barbara Donlon Bradley, is here to celebrate her newest release, Stolen Desire. Check out this cover… Stolen Desire will be coming soon from Phaze Books at the end of July… Blurb: When Heather is confronted with her time traveling self she fears the worse. The woman came to warn…
Chapter Three of Shattered Trust…
Here’s the next chapter of Shattered Trust – please enjoy! Chapter Three Two weeks later… Liam hauled the last hundred and twenty-pound keg of beer onto the dolly, trucked it through the doors of the Bluebird and into the small room behind the bar. He muscled it next to the other eight kegs the…
Another FREE read from Shattered Trust…
Here’s Chapter Two from my upcoming release, Shattered Trust… Hope you enjoy! Chapter Two Early the next morning, Kate sat in her glorified office nook, drinking strong, black coffee and scrutinizing the accounts of the last month. Jet lag, combined with lack of sleep, stooped her shoulders and distorted the numbers on the page.…