Category: blog
Ayurveda – What is it and is it right for you?
Webster’s Eleventh Edition Collegiate Dictionary defines “Ayurveda” as a form of holistic alternative medicine. It’s also known as “the science of life.” Please welcome my wonderful massage therapist, Laura Hennings, a practioner of Ayurveda. ME: Laura, what inspired you to become an ayurvedic? LAURA: Well, back in the day I was just another hamster running on…
Fit After Fifty – and Beyond
I’m very excited to welcome Golden Heart sister, Linda Lovely, here today! Linda just celebrated the release of her new mystery/suspense novel, DEAR KILLER. MARLEY CLARK, a retired military intelligence officer, works security for a Sea Island community simply to keep busy. A single night patrol transforms the feisty widow’s yawner of a job into…
Tug It, Baby. Tug.
Just more one teensy tug. Please. 😉
Farewell to Arms
Triceps; a three-head muscle attached at the shoulder that runs the backside of the arm down to the elbow. It’s also that part of the arm which might wave before the hand does. *grin* Got that kind of wave action going on? Well, here are three, easy-to-do-at-home exercises which can help tightened up those “flapping”…
What’s in a Number?
Quick: what does this number mean – 74 million? What about this one – 120? And this one – 80? How ‘bout these – 139, 89, 140, 90? Give up? Kay. Over 74 million American have hypertension; AKA “the silent killer;” AKA high blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to such fun things…
My “A” Connections
I’m very pleased and proud to introduce Ramona Butler, one of my Romance Writing Wenches of Reno! Ramona is celebrating the release of her novella, BORDER HEAT from Champagne Books. Congratulations, Ramona! Love your cover! Just a couple of quickie questions before I hand it off to you. How long have you been writing? I’ve…
Beach Blanket Bingo!
He’s got the eyes, the face, the arms and killer bod. What else do you need besides a cozy, private hut for two? Enjoy your weekend! L.
Honoring Those Who Serve
In the course of our hectic lives, we sometimes forget the true reason behind those glorious three-day weekends. Take a moment this Memorial Day Monday to remember our service men and women who have dedicated their lives to preserving ours. All Gave Some – Some Gave All Both my parents served in the navy during WWII;…
Shining a Light on Sunscreen
With summer just around the corner, no doubt we’re all anxious to lose the pasty whiteness on our leg and arms in favor of that healthy, golden glow. And since we know the dangers of too much sun, it’s time to break out the good, ole sunscreen, right? But did you know that sunscreen can…
Easing Upper Body Tension
As writers, we spend an inordinate amount of time sitting at our computers. Taking into account edits, revisions, pressure from your day job, issues with your spouse and/or family as well as a host of other stress factors, and I bet you sometimes suffer from tight neck and upper body muscles. (Sometimes??) For me, the…