Category: blog

  • With a bod like this…………………

    …………..who needs a face? I mean seriously? Agree or disagree?

  • Rock A-Bye Baby

    Stress is a part of our daily lives, there’s no denying that reality. And stress can be the chief culprit for the occasional challenge to falling and staying asleep. We know to avoid caffeine and nicotine before bed, as well as a heavy meal laden with all our fave heart-burn-inducing foods. Alcohol should also be…

  • Ah Spring……………….

    The time flowers bloom – along with your allergies.  Whether you’re allergic to pollen, pet dander, dust mites, gluten, mold or just plain LIFE, the sneezing fits and stuffy nose that come with allergies are just not that much darn fun. You can take over the counter antihistamines or decongestants to relieve your suffering.  You…

  • Two New Eating Disorders

    When I saw this headline on the Internet, I had to investigate.  What are these new disorders and what are the warning signs that someone you love might be afflicted?  The disorders are called selective adult eating and orthorexia.  Now, if you’ve guessed that selective adult eating amounts to adults acting like small children and…

  • Did You Know . . . .

    . . . that a raw potato has more vitamin C than an orange?  The heat from cooking kills the vitamin C.  One of my favorite snacks as a kid was raw potato with a smidge of salt.  Try it sometime.  Yum! . . . that one of the best ways for cold germs to…

  • Something for your weekend dreams

    Okay, so you don’t see his face.  But aren’t we writers?  Let your imagination flow and enjoy!

  • The Bitter Truth about Artificial Sweeteners

    Artificial sweeteners (ARs) have been around for a long time.  I’m sure we’ve all heard/read the studies about how these “fake sugars” can cause cancer in lab rats.  But did you realize ARs may also prevent you from losing weight?  It’s true.  Studies dating back to 1970 have shown a link between weight gain and…

  • Let’s Talk Turkey . . . .

    About weight loss programs. I want to start out by saying this is my personal opinion and/or experience.  Everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another.  That said I could delve into what I think are the pros and cons of all the different weight loss programs, but frankly…

  • Jennifer Jakes talks about the pain of migraines

      Please welcome my Golden Heart sister, Jennifer Jakes!  Jenn just celebrated her debut release of Rafe’s Redemption from the Wild Rose Press.  Here’s a quick blurb of her sizzlin’ hot historical:  He rode into town to buy supplies, not a woman. For hunted recluse Rafe McBride, the raven-haired beauty on the auction block  is…

  • Ab-a-dabber-dos. Which abs are the best? You decide!

    Contestant #1 – Brooding in a cute sorta way, don’tcha think? Contestant #2 – Yum-mee!         And Contestant #3 – He looks so good, he should just be illegal! Vote for you fave, just don’t drool on the keyboard.   Enjoy!