Honoring Those Who Serve

In the course of our hectic lives, we sometimes forget the true reason behind those glorious three-day weekends. Take a moment this Memorial Day Monday to remember our service men and women who have dedicated their lives to preserving ours.

All Gave Some – Some Gave All

Both my parents served in the navy during WWII; my dad aboard the battle ship, USS Hornet then the USS Lexington as a radio man and my mom on the east coast of the United States as part of the flight cargo crews. It was a year ago this Memorial Day that their ashes were intombed at the new Iowa Veterans Cemetery just west of Des Moines. Daddy’s flag sits on our hutch as a gentle reminder of the steadfast love he, and my mom, had for this tremendous country of ours. 

Do you have a deceased, retired or serving military person you’d like to honor? Please share their story.





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