Horny Hump Day


Horny Hump Day

Time once again for a Horny Hump Day excerpt. This one is from Battle-Tested Love. Here’s the setup:

Darcy was kidnapped by escaped prisoner, Ben. A classic case of wrong place, wrong time. Ben isn’t a bad guy, he’s just a guy desperate to get to his little sister to make sure she’s okay. He also doesn’t want to take advantage of Darcy. But Darcy has other plans – can you guess what they are? 😉

Her mouth captured his in a blistering kiss that ended any further objections from him and short-circuited his cerebral functions. He couldn’t think anymore, couldn’t discriminate between right and wrong, between wanting to protect Darcy and just plain wanting her. He realized she’d regret her actions later, but for right now all he could do was feel.

If you want to read more of Darcy and Ben’s story, here’s the Amazon link… http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F3O6CN2


Now check out the other great authors on this hop! http://www.hornyhumpday.com/





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