Jumping back into the Blog-o-Sphere


Yes, it’s been a while – okay a loooong while – since I last wrote a post. Oh, I’ve joined several blog hops, including the Horny Hump Day and a couple sponsored by my truly amazing web mistress, Bemis Promotions, but I’ve haven’t really focused on blogging. Just more or less stuck my pinkie toe back in the water.

All that’s about to change – I hope. 🙂 Starting this summer I intend to post a minimum of one…something…per week. Might be a cover reveal for myself or a fellow author. Might be my perspective on a fitness topic. Might be a personal pet peeve about whatever. Who knows…cuz I sure don’t. What I do know is that it’s time for me saddle up and start blogging again. And to celebrate my return to the Blog-o-sphere, I’m giving away a $50 Amazon gift card.

That’s right. Fifty smackers. And what do you hafta do to be in the running for this prize? Just help me pick a new last name for my current hero, Liam, from my upcoming release, SHATTERED TRUST. My wonderful critique partner, Suzanne, doesn’t care for his existing last name which is Underhill. What do you think? What sire name would fit him better? To help with your decision, here’s his pic – isn’t he dreamy? *sigh*


Your chance to win will last until this Friday – the 13th! Let the naming begin!





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