My Writing Process…

 writing process photo

Thanks to Katya Armock for including me in this “Writing Process” Blog Tour! This tour is designed to give readers a more…inside look into the writing process of favorite authors. At the bottom, I’ll be tagging two additional authors who’ll write posts next week. Be sure and check them out!

Okay, onto the questions…

Q: What are you currently working on?

A: I recently started a BDSM romance titled Shattered Trust. It’ll be the first in my Trustworthy Texas Trilogy. Here’s the blurb:

Learning to love is the easy part…

As a young woman, Kate Landry trusted the wrong man, and she paid dearly for her naiveté. Alone, pregnant and destitute, she survived by the sheer force of her will. Now forty-two, Kate has made a good living for herself and her daughter as the owner of the Bluebird Saloon and Grill. But she’s forgotten how to live. That is until he comes into her bar…

Liam Underhill loved a girl once. And only once. After an accident paralyzed her, she didn’t trust he would continue to love her. Brokenhearted, Liam left and soon discovered a world where women trusted him all the time—to be their sexual Dominant. He plays out the scenes masterfully, but the unexpected request from the stoic bar owner will pose his greatest challenge yet…

Kate and Liam embark on a journey to uncover repressed urges and, in the process, discover new desires. They also fall in love with one another. But when you’ve been shattered as badly as they have by mistrust, deceit and abuse, loving is easy. Trusting is harder, if not impossible, especially when the heart is involved…

Q: How does your work differ from others in the same genre?

A: Wow. Tough question. As an author of contemporary erotic romance, I try to put *ordinary* people into *extraordinary* situations in my books. To place challenges in front of them that seem insurmountable, but that they overcome anyway. And they must be broken, or at least flawed. Writing about perfect characters is as boring as reading about them.

Q: Why do you write what you write?

A: Because I want to keep falling in love. And I do—repeatedly—every time I start a new book… J

Q: How does your writing process work?

A: I’m the queen of plotting. I have to know pretty much start to finish how the book is going to progress. What my characters’ goals and motivations are. What the major conflicts are. The Black Moment and Resolution… This doesn’t mean that my characters don’t sometimes throw me for a loop—because they do—more often that I like… But I still need that basic framework to build off of. Without it, I’m floundering.

Q: Who will we meet next week?

A: I’m pleased to introduce you to three awesome writers… Adriana Kraft and Maureen McGowan.

Adriana is actually a dynamite writing duo consisting of a husband and wife. *They* write Erotic Romance for Two, Three, or More.

Maureen is one of my 2010 Golden Heart® sisters. She writes high action fiction for teens on up.

Please check them both out!





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