New News


So, it’s been for-e-ver since I did a real post on my own blog.  I’m hoping to change that starting, well, now. <G> My plan is to post something new each week. But, like I’ve said before: Custer had a plan…

I’ll still have posts about health and fitness, but I also want to focus on writing craft and promotion. Today I’m revealing the blurbs for two upcoming releases: Erotic Escapades of a Married Couple, scheduled to be out at the end of June, and Battle-Tested Love, set for release in September. First up, is Erotic Escapades


Being a settled, married couple doesn’t have to be boring…

Griffin Jensen has it all. He owns a successful advertising agency, has a great kid, beautiful home and the hottest wife known to man. He and Deana make it their mission to fulfill each other’s every erotic fantasy. So why does he feel like something is missing?

Deana Jensen has been head over heels in love with her husband since they first dated in college. Back then, Grif was a player—with both sexes. Deana never
considered his bisexual past a threat, but after twelve years of marriage, she fears she’s no longer enough for him. She’ll do whatever it takes to satisfy her husband, but can she share him with another man?

Vance Korbett swore off women years ago when his fiancée left him at the altar. Now he finds “love” in the arms of different men. It’s simple and easy. Eat. Sleep. Screw. Nothing could be better—other than the marital bliss he sees with his best friends, Deana and Grif. Too bad three’s a crowd. Or is it?


Kim Killion, of The Killion Group, has already done the cover. Oy! Is it hot! But I won’t be posting it until closer to the release day. (Yes, I’m a tease!) Now here’s the blurb for Battle-Tested Love:


All she wanted was a little adventure…

Darcy Williams is desperate for some relief from her ho-hum life, but getting kidnapped by an outrageously handsome man isn’t at all what she had in mind. She needs to keep it together long enough to escape. Because escape is what she wants, right? 

He’s a nice guy doing a bad thing for a really good reason…

Ben Gallagher loves his baby sister, Ana, more than anything. So, when she’s date raped by the mayor’s nephew, Ben has no problem sending said nephew to the ER. Now Ana’s gone missing and Ben will stop at nothing, nothing, to find his sister and ensure her safety—even if that means he has to carjack and kidnap an innocent woman. 

Things spiral from bad to worse…

When Ben is injured protecting Darcy from some thugs, he has to trust her if he’s going to get to Ana. And he has to ignore the passion Darcy stirs in him. Darcy learns Ben is actually a good man, one she’s starting to have feelings for. Can their fledging relationship stand the test of time—and the law?


So, whatcha think? I’d love to hear your opinions. Until next time, Happy Writing!





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