Shining a Light on Sunscreen

With summer just around the corner, no doubt we’re all anxious to lose the pasty whiteness on our leg and arms in favor of that healthy, golden glow.  And since we know the dangers of too much sun, it’s time to break out the good, ole sunscreen, right?  But did you know that sunscreen can lose its effectiveness if the bottle has been open for over three years or it’s been exposed to high temperatures?  So if that same tube of Coppertone has been staring back at you from the medicine cabinet shelf for longer than you can remember, toss it and buy new.  Truth be told, if you use your sunscreen in the proper amount with the proper reapplications, you shouldn’t have any leftover sunscreen from one year to the next.

To ensure the best coverage, you should use about 1 ounce of sunscreen (roughly the amount in a shot glass) and apply it to your exposed body parts 20-30 minutes before you hit the Adirondack chair.  For years, conventional wisdom has preached we need to use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.  But did you know that the ubber high SPF sunscreen could actually cause more problems than they solve?  Folks might be lured into a false sense of security with the higher number and end up staying in the sun longer than normal or not reapplying as often.

Another tip is to opt-out of using spray sunscreens.  They fill the immediate area with tiny particles that may not be the best to breathe in.

And you need to check the labels on your fave sunscreen as well.  Look for oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate.  Oxybenzone has been associated with allergic reactions and can be a hormone disrupter.  (I don’t know about any of you, but I don’t need any help with disrupting my hormones!)  Retinyl palmitate is a form of vitamin A and is unsafe when exposed to sunlight – not a good ingredient in sunscreen, huh?  Instead, choose products that contain zinc, titanium dioxide, avobensone or Mexoryl SX.

These are just a few tips to consider for enjoying the sun while staying safe.  Do you have any to share?  Would love to hear ‘em!






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