Sultry Summer Reads Blog Hop

Congratulations to the two grand prize winners of the Sultry Summer Reads Blog Hop!

*Quilt Lady* won the Kindle Fire HD 7″ and Elizabeth Gray won the $100 gift card! Ya-hoo, ladies!!

AND Catrina Barton is the winner of the $10 Amazon gift card I gave away. Congrats, Catrina!

Also, thank you to everyone who participated in this hop. Hope y’all had fun!


The grand prize is a Kindle Fire HD 7” and the second grand prize in a $100.00 Gift Card for either Amazon or Barnes and Noble – winner’s choice. There will also be daily giveaways in addition to the giveaways each author is doing on his/her site. Pretty awesome, huh? I, myself, am giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky commenter. (Please note: only residents of the United States and Canada are eligible for any/all physical prizes due to shipping costs. For a complete list of rules and how the blog hop works, please follow this link to the Safari Heat website.

Today is the last day for the hop!  😥  The good news is the winner(s) of the Kindle Fire HD 7″ and the $100 Gift Card will be announced. 😆  You still have the chance to win, so leave a comment then hop to the other sites. Don’t forget to *Like* and  *Follow* the different authors and remember to leave your email addy. And I’ll announce the winner of the $10 Amazon GC later today. BEST OF LUCK!!! 

Here are my FB and Twitter links… and

I’m posting an excerpt from my newly released romance, BATTLE-TESTED LOVE. It’s the second in my *Battle for Love* series and is more a romantic suspense than straight-up contemporary romance. Hope y’all like it. 😆


Ben Gallagher’s senses were on high alert. He scanned the road ahead, but also kept a diligent eye on the side streets in case a patrol car crossed his path. It wouldn’t be long before his absence from the convict fire line was detected. He never thought he’d be grateful for a wildfire. But it if allowed him to get to Ana, he’d buy whoever pitched that cigarette in the sagebrush a beer.


Her tear-streaked face haunted his every thought, motivated his every move. He had to get to her. No matter what it took.

He merged the car onto the freeway, heading north to Reno, then checked the fuel gage. Less than a third of a tank. Interstate 395 North through California to the Oregon border was a lonely stretch of road, but he couldn’t gas up in Reno. Too many people might see him. He’d have to wait until Bordertown, fifteen miles past the Biggest Little City. Then he could make it to Alturas where he’d have to refuel again to ensure he got to Bend. Absently, he wondered what kind of mileage this sub-compact got.

Ben glanced at the dashboard clock. Just before seven. His gut twisted. Even if he drove like a maniac, it would still take him almost nine hours to cover the five hundred miles to reach Ana.

Movement in the passenger seat brought his attention back to the woman beside him.


Not only had he attacked that guy in the alley, but now he’d kidnapped a woman. Holy hell! What else could go wrong?

Charges of kidnapping definitely muddled an already complicated situation. But he couldn’t allow this woman to blow the whistle. She’d seen him crouching over an unconscious body. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to realize what had happened, and to whom. Add to the mix, grand theft auto and Ben was pretty sure he was a goner.

He was nothing but a walking target anyway for having landed the Carson City mayor’s step-brother, Parker Green, in the hospital in the first place. Not that he cared about the assault charges the little weasel had brought against him. He’d kick the bastard’s sorry ass all over again and ten more just like him.

His hands squeezed the steering wheel until the leather creaked.

Ana was all that mattered. Nobody hurt his baby sister without answering to him….


Remember to leave your email in your comment to be entered to win the $10 Amazon GC from me AND to qualify for the awesome daily giveaways + the TWO outstanding grand prizes. Here’s the link to check out all the other fabulous authors who are participating in the Sultry summer Reads Blog Hop.

Thanks for stopping by…now GET HOPPING!

Happy Reading!






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