‘Tis the Season…..

…for stress and stress and more #$%& stress.  

This is supposed to be a great time of year. We supposed to stroll through the mall, window shopping and listening to Christmas carols then head home to drink hot toddies in front of the fireplace. We’re supposed to enjoy the company of family and friends over dinner or at parties where we give thanks for our many blessings…..

Riiight. I want to live in that world because my world consists of trying to cram thirty hours of shopping, cooking, baking, working, present wrapping, holiday card writing/sending and I don’t know what-all into a measly twenty-four hours. Oh and then there’s that whole sleeping thing. Health experts tell us we have to find the time to sleep. Maybe on December 26th, but then I’ll miss all the after Christmas sales.

Let’s face it, each year the holidays come sooner and get more expensive. If you’re anything like me, you lie awake at night, visions of shopping lists and dollar signs dancing through your head instead of sugar plums. There just isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done that needs doing or enough money in the checking account to pay for everything that needs buying. So, what can you do to ease the stress of this normally very stressful time? Here are a couple of things I’ve found to be effective:

First, exercise. Again, if you’re like me, you’re saying, “Uh, check. Already go to the gym five days a week.” Yeah, well, maybe you need to back off to three days a week until after the first of the year. Say what?? Yup, back off. If you’re already stressed, over-stressing your body will only amplify the problem and negate any benefit from the workout. Or maybe you need to switch up your routine. If you cycle for cardio, maybe try the treadmill or step mill for a couple of weeks.

Got a lot of nieces and nephews and cousins to buy gifts for and you’re afraid of landing in the poor house as a result? Suggest a gift exchange. Draw names from a hat and that’s the person you need to seek out the *perfect* gift for. This can also be a good idea if you’ve got a tight circle of mutual friends.

Volunteer. Nothing brings home just how truly blessed we all are than serving meals at a local homeless shelter.

Do not sweat the small stuff. Easier said than done, I know, but try to stay focused on what this time of year really means. And getting upset about long lines and out-of-stocked items just isn’t it.

Get enough rest. “Yo, Lynda. If I could get enough rest, I wouldn’t be stressed.” Fair enough. Suggestions: drink chamomile tea instead of wine before bed; don’t eat chocolate for dessert; spray a lavender scent on your pillow. Another trick I like is to list the fifty states-in alphabetical order. Bet you’re dozing off by the time you get to Idaho.

Make sure to take a multi-vitamin every morning. It’ll help keep your immune system healthy and balanced.

Give thanks. Make a list of all that you’re grateful for and repeat it while sitting in rush hour traffic or standing in the checkout line. It’s also good to repeat if the sandman goes MIA.

These are a few of my favorite ways to mitigate the holiday stress. What’s yours? Post a comment or send me an email (lynda@lyndabailey.net) and you’ll be entered to win a copy of my new erotic short Glad to be Home.

Happy and safe holidays to y’all!






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