What Women Really Should Know, part two

It’s been a while since I’ve done a fitness blog. A couple of weeks turned into a couple of months. (Sorry for that.) So, what happened during that time? I released my erotic novella, Boy Next Door; we moved into our totally fabulous house; I re-released my two erotic short stories, Fulfilled and Glad to Be Home; we packed up our son and his fiancé for their move to Southern California; got our old house ready for renting; just released my Golden Heart® finalist manuscript Wildflower; some of you went to Anaheim for the RWA conference…

Yada, yada, yada.

In other words, LIFE happened. But I’m back now and plan to post at least once a week. (Of course, you know Custer had a plan, right? LOL)

When last we chatted, we were talking about some habits that we (women) engage in that aren’t so great for our health. Next on the list is the use of bio-identical hormones.

Now I could get all technical about the differences between BHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy/treatment) and established HRT (hormone replacement therapy/treatment), but the bottom line is that menopause sucks—and it’s the way Mother Nature decided things should be with us gals. As we get older, our ovaries shut down causing a reduction in our bodies’ ability to manufacture estrogen and progesterone which leads to those lovely hot flashes and mood swings bigger than the Grand Canyon. Like I said, it sucks. (Just ask my DH. I’ve been going through menopause for five + years now. Haven’t killed him though. At least not yet.) If you’ve got a family history of breast cancer, like me, doing any form of HRT can increase your chances of getting the disease. There’s also an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. It’s thought that BHRT doesn’t carry the same danger level as traditional HRT, but there haven’t been any long-term studies because the treatment is relatively new. However, if you’ve got a family history of osteoporosis, hormone replacement therapy could reduce your chances of bone fractures as you age. Or if you suffer from the early onset of menopause, like in your thirties, HRT can extend your life and lessen possible dementia. The bottom line: do the research and talk to your health care provider. I’ve got dear friends who swear by BHRT, but for me the threat of breast cancer is just too great. I’ll just suffer—along with my DH!

Following bad diet practices. All too often we place ourselves on restrictive diets in the hopes of dropping 5, 10, 15 pounds. Though you might think eating just one meal a day is working because you see the scale going down, the only thing you’re actually dropping is water weight and muscle mass. Our bodies work 24/7, pumping blood, breathing, building new cells, etc. They need fuel in order to function properly. In other words, our bodies need food. Plus, if you’re hungry, you’re more likely to make bad choices, like binge eating at night. Better to eat three squares a day. If you watch your food choices, you’ll still lose weight, though more slowly with the increased chance of keeping those extra pounds off. Your body will thank you for it.

Putting stock in cosmetics. How much money do women spend on cosmetics to reduce wrinkles or dark circles? Cosmetics that have no evidence they actually work? With the cosmetic industry being like a ga-zillion dollar business, you do the math. Cosmetic companies aren’t required to prove any of their claims for tighter, smoother skin. Best advice is to use sunscreen everyday and get a prescription retinoid (vitamin A) to diminish fine lines and dark spots.

Colonic cleanses. The theory behind colonic cleanses (basically enemas) is that you flush the toxins from your colon. Problem is you also flush the good bacteria which live in the intestines. Bacteria the body needs to maintain good health. Repeated colonic cleanses can lead to intestinal perforation and other serious problems. I’m not one to say never, so if you’re a fan of this procedure, I strongly encourage you to do them as infrequently as possible and speak to your health care provider. It’s a myth that toxins live for years in your colon.

Not using condoms. Whether you’re a twenty-something and on the pill or a fifty-something and past the child-bearing years, practicing safe sex is a critical for anyone not in a committed, monogamous relationship. You might not get pregnant, but regardless of your age, you can contract an STD (sexual transmitted disease). If you’ve got multiple partners, insist on the use of condoms every time. It only takes once for dire consequences to be the result.

So, there you have the completed list of things women really should know. As always, shout out any questions or comments. One lucky person will win his/her choice or any one of my available titles, which are listed on this page. Share this post with a friend who comments and he/she will win one of my stories and you’ll win two.

Stay healthy!






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