Why I Write Romance

When I tell folks I’m an author, they of course ask me what I write. I tell ’em, romance. With a capital “R.”   

Then they ask why romance (maybe even with a slight lip curl.) My reply is because in romance story, the good guys win–all the time. It’s what separates romance from love stories. Only bad guys die in a romance. Romance stories always have an emotionally satisfying end. After x-number of pages of the hero and heroine fighting the odds–and each other–they wind up living “happily ever after.” 

And then of course there’s the sex. With a capital “S.” And that can be pretty darn satisfying, too. On several levels.   😉

But it doesn’t matter what heat level you write or enjoy reading. The vital thing about romance is that all important HEA. 

As a reader, I want to feel the joys and the sorrows, the highs and the lows of the characters. I want to be tormented into believing the hero and heroine will NEVER get together only to be proven wrong by the end of the book. I want to laugh out loud and cry in private while reading. I want to be entertained. To escape for an afternoon with hot guys and sexy gals.  

This is what I strive for as a writer. Take my latest release, Wildflower. (The blurb is featured above and through tomorrow, Sept. 1st, you can get Wildflower for FREE, exclusively through KDP Select.) It’s a classic “Ugly Duckling” story, with the appropriate amount of torment thrown in. Add a stampede, some nasty cattle rustling bad guys and a hero/heroine with stubborn streaks as long and as wide as the Mississippi River, and you’ve got the true makings of a romance.

But something’s still missing. 

Ah, yes! The sex. With that capital “S.”  

But, as I said, it doesn’t matter whether you prefer sweet or erotic in your stories. What matters is having two characters, from opposite sides, thrown together to overcome insurmountable challenges so they can live “happily ever after.” HEA. The reason I not only read romance, but write it as well.  

What about you? What’s your favorite part of a romance story? What draws you to read Inspirational, Young Adult, Romantic Suspense or Paranormal? I’d love to hear from you!

Remember to leave your email along with your comment. We’re got some AWEsome grand prizes for this blog hop.

First Grand Prize is a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet. Wooza!

Second Grand Prize is a $130 Amazon or B&N gift card. Totally cool!

Third Grand Prize is a Large swag pack. Suh-weet!

I’m giving away a separate Amazon or B&N gift card for $10 as well so leave your email address with your comment!!

Please check out the rest of the authors on this hop. http://www.linkytools.com/basic_linky_include.aspx?id=150398 

There are over 200 writers! Remember, the more you comment–with your email address–the bigger your chance to win one of the outstanding grand prizes.





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